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Diya Health COVID Compliance

Diya Health’s COVID Compliance-as-a-Service product is specifically designed for employee vaccination and test results management. Diya’s comprehensive services are built for corporations to safely return their workforce back to work and for ensuring full regulatory compliance.

Diya Health’s COVID Compliance-as-a-Service solution allows you to:

  • Quickly and easily meet OSHA’s vaccination and testing reporting requirements and avoid fines of up to $13,653 per violation.
  • Take a comprehensive approach to compliance by providing not only a powerful system, but also workplace policy planning and guidance from COVID-19 experts.
  • Get started quickly. Diya simply imports employees’ information from isolved. With one click, employers can notify employees to upload their COVID-19 information. Then, employers can access a real-time dashboard with compliance statistics.
  • Monitor office locations and departments with customizable reporting and analytics.
  • Provide employees with a scannable COVID Pass for entering workplace facilities.
  • Send email and SMS notifications to employees with one-click. Notifications can include reminders to upload information, policy updates, travel requirements, and more.
  • Stay future proofed – 100% guaranteed. No matter how government regulations change, or the virus adapts!
  • Meet HIPAA and GDPR privacy and security requirements for storage of health information.
  • If you are working with an independent lab capable of integration for testing, Diya has the ability to work with them to track test results!

Where People Heroes Grow™

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