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Case Study > Sincere Hospitality

Taking HR to the Next Level with isolved

isolved Sincere Hospitality

If there’s one profession that places a premium on treating people well, it’s the hospitality industry. Successful operators within the hospitality space intuitively understand that treating people well doesn’t stop with customers—it extends to treating employees with the same care and respect.

Sincere Hospitality is a hotel and property management company operating out of Austin, Texas. Their mission is to create meaningful and unforgettable experiences by placing people at the heart of everything they do. This includes the company’s employees. Unfortunately, before working with isolved, their human capital management (HCM) provider wasn’t helping Sincere Hospitality in accomplishing their goal.

Moving Beyond Payroll

The company previously used ADP and Netchex, however the process wasn’t intuitive or streamlined . With isolved, the company can process payroll in just a few clicks and reduce administrative burdens, including the calculation of tax rates and liabilities, the need to create arduous reports and making payments. Additionally, isolved’s payroll platform allows for easy self-service and customizes the employee experience (EX). According to Edgar Gonzalez, Director of HR, “We’ve saved so many hours. Tasks that used to be done manually or had tedious methods have been eliminated or streamlined through the use of isolved. Saving us money over the course of time.”

But the main reason the company switched providers is because they wanted more solutions. Gonzalez says, “We were looking for an HCM suite to deliver more than payroll. Payroll is a necessary cost, so the question we asked ourselves is what more can we get out of a payroll service.”

Sterling Customer Service

To get the most out of an HCM partner, the company wanted more than just robust technology. Running a successful hospitality business means Sincere Hospitality has a deep and thorough understanding of how to treat people. Just like Sincere Hospitality, isolved also believes in putting people at the forefront of everything they do, making the two companies even more compatible. According to Gonzalez, “It is rapidly evolving to meet even more and more needs of businesses. And the customer service is top-notch. As a hospitality professional, I can say that isolved has insanely high levels of customer service and they are always there for you when you want them to be.”

Creating Exceptional Employee Experiences

Onboarding is a crucial, yet sometimes overlooked, piece of the EX-puzzle. It gives employers the opportunity to set their new hires up for success. isolved’s Onboard & Develop solution goes a step further, creating more meaningful ways to connect with new employees, which Sincere Hospitality has utilized with impressive results.

 “We have created a robust, fun, and welcoming onboarding experience that is automatically personalized for each employee based on their position,” Gonzalez says.  “Once built, it takes no effort at all to maintain, and every employee's onboarding experience can be a guaranteed success.”

Moving Forward, with Momentum

Sincere Hospitality is relentless in its pursuit of providing the best possible EX. Moving forward, the company is looking forward to using more of isolved’s offerings, including its Benchmark Insights solution, which provides critical industry data that can be used to meet the demands of the modern workforce.

“Our vision is to be amongst the best places to work. Hospitality has the advantage of creating truly memorable moments and fulfilling many of our desires to help others. And isolved is helping us get there through an HCM tool that aligns with us,” says Gonzalez.

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