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Execute Your Talent Management Strategy to Win

Tuesday July 14th, 2015

Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 15 seconds

Professional sports teams are masters of talent management.  They know how to select the right players for each position, how to evaluate their performance, how to get the most out every player’s strengths and how to improve on their weaknesses.  They keep their players engaged and focused on a single goal - winning.  Can you say the same for your organization and its employees?

Most businesses have a large gap between the strategies and goals set forth by leadership and the actual results that come from the work done by employees.  Often the two don’t match up; expectations don’t equal reality.  So what’s happening in this gap?  Execution, or a lack thereof to be exact.   A pro sports team probably has more money and staff to deal with this problem than your company does, but you can still have access to the kind of tools necessary to get your employees focused and engaged and working toward the right goals.

Tools such as the Perform and Reward Bundle for Small Businesses by SuccessFactorsTM enables you to use your employee data to align employee skills and performance with company goals, track performance, develop meaningful performance reviews, define rewards and gain valuable workforce insight.

Employee performance management equals company success

Key to performance management is employee engagement, an absolute must in order to contribute to both personal and business success.  Do your employees know the company’s business goals and how they contribute?  The right performance management tool can help you communicate goals with the staff and provide feedback on their work, both critical to growth and success.

The right performance management solution should provide:

  • Access to employee profiles – skills, certifications, talents
  • Goal management – create realistic goals and keep them focused
  • Incentives – reward employees for doing well
  • Improvement – turn weaknesses into strengths

Needless to say, running a business is a challenge, especially so for small to mid-size employers that struggle to have access to the same tools and solutions that the big guys have.  The iSolved HCM platform now integrates with the Perform & Reward Bundle for Small Businesses, a talent management solution designed for and delivered in the cloud.  Businesses can now reap the benefits of a robust performance management solution to run their workforces more efficiently and effectively and fill the execution gap.

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