isolved IRL: Better HR System Usability for Better Employee Experience
As an HR Leader, it can be difficult to find a user-friendly platform for you and your employees. Many job seekers are looking for better experiences and the opportunity to grow within their careers.
Watch our on-demand our isolved In Real Life (IRL) webinar to learn about isolved's boomerang customer that left to explore different platforms - eventually ending up with Paycor. After finding out Paycor’s promises fell short, however, they came back to isolved.
Andy Brown, CEOO of A-Team Security & Event Services, Inc. will discuss the decision to come back to isolved to grow the business and simplify processes. He'll detail how the organization has moved toward their vision of providing excellent employee experience – from hiring to delivering the first paycheck.
Hear how isolved helped A-Team reach their business goals of moving from a paper and in-person process to an automated, easy experience for both their employees, their HR team and more!