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Case Study > Monnit Corporation

An All-In-One Solution Brings Many Benefits

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A company can only move forward if all its people and parts are pulling in the same direction. Disparate and disconnected systems are the enemy of growth and efficiency—especially when it comes to HR operations.

Meet Monnit Corporation, a leading wireless sensor manufacturing company. As the Internet of Things (IoT) movement gained traction, Monnit has experienced explosive growth since its founding in 2010 and has established itself as a global IoT leader.

While growth is a boom for business, it can present a challenge for HR teams—especially if they’re using different solutions to serve different functions. According to Cindy Power, Monnit’s Office Manager, “We were looking to consolidate all of our HR items, time tracking, PTO tracking, payroll, etc. into one place. We wanted the information to be easily available to our employees and managers.”

With around 70 employees, Monnit needed a solution to streamline its HR efforts and simplify operations. Enter isolved.

Seamless Self-Service

Monnit was impressed with isolved’s self-service capabilities and the ability to reduce their workloads. Power was particularly impressed with isolved’s capabilities to make open enrollment simpler. “Open enrollment would be a nightmare without isolved,” she said.

It is estimated that isolved can save Monnit two hours per employee, per month by enabling employees to:

  • Complete onboarding from any device, anytime
  • Access company policies, and sign and upload documents
  • Manage personal information, view and print check stubs and W-2s
  • Review current benefit elections and plan summaries, and perform open enrollment online
  • View current PTO time balances and request time off

Everything in One Place

Before isolved, Monnit was using Zenefits and QuickBooks for their HR needs. But, having approached100 employees and over 52,000 customers, disparate solutions only added complexity. isolved’s platform is designed with people in mind, which is why it seamlessly manages the entire HR/employee journey and helps to future-proof organizations.

With isolved, according to Power, “we were able to put all things related to HR into one place that the employees and the manager both had access to.” In one convenient location, Monnit could manage onboarding and offboarding, applicant tracking, payroll, time, benefits, open enrollment and much more.

Better Benefits=Big Savings

Managing benefits can be complicated and time-consuming—especially for a company focused on achieving massive growth. And, with an ongoing struggle to find and retain top talent, a seamless benefits process is a must-have for a growing company. Monnit found isolved’s benefits integration to significantly improve efficiencies.

Per Power, “we have saved many hours with the benefits integration. We no longer have to track each change—once the employee makes their changes, they’re sent directly to the benefit carrier.”

Monnit has an innovative business and a vision for the future—and they decided to include better HR as part of their journey. Their HR vision was a process that was close to flawless as possible—which was made possible in conjunction with isolved.

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