Where People Heroes Grow (And You Can Too)
Tuesday May 16th, 2023
Estimated time to read: 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Have you seen the movie “The Field of Dreams”? It’s the baseball one with Kevin Costner – a classic really (the movie and Costner!). There’s the famous line, “If you build it, they will come.” It’s the mentality we had (and hoped for) when launching the People Heroes Community back in the spring of 2022. In celebration of isolved #peopleheroesweek, we’d like to share a bit about that journey – your journey to energize your workforce.
Our goals for the People Heroes Community were to give isolved customers a place to socialize with their peers, source advice from fellow People Heroes and share their experiences. At first, admittedly, it was a lot of isolved employees (whom we call “Sidekicks”) interacting with the few customers who were asking questions. While we are always happy to answer questions, that was not our goal. The goal was for People Heroes – those who manage HR, benefits and payroll every day and those who use isolved People Cloud every day – to unite (for a common good…eh?). It makes our collective “isolved pink” hearts happy that this is the case today. Thousands of People Heroes have now engaged in their community, there’s been over 50,000 challenges completed, nearly 60,000 acts of advocacy and hundreds of rewards redeemed. But what does that all really mean?
People Heroes are growing. They are growing their companies. They are growing their careers. They are growing their community of like-minded people. They are growing their capacity for how the technology they already have, can free themselves to exceed their goals. They are building a stronger future for their companies and careers. Now, we’ve invited partners too. In their own community, isolved Network partners can ask questions of each other, align on People Cloud capabilities and best serve their clients.
This is the case in their actual communities too. isolved has nearly 60 roadshow stops planned this year (having already completed 24). The goal is for everyone to leave understanding their “next-best step”. It’s not about total transformation but rather evaluating, enhancing and extending their HR, benefits and/or payroll programs. At customer roadshows, industry insights are delivered alongside an overview and demo of People Cloud (and a roadmap too). Customers not only get information to help inform their day to day but also hands-on support too. There are multiple ways to grow as a People Hero.
Alongside the People Heroes Community, is People Heroes University – together, they make up People Heroes World. It’s an engaging and immersive learning experience where customers can learn from each other and education tracks.
When we relaunched People Heroes University in Fall 2022, we did so with a few areas in mind. One, People Heroes had to be part of the story (visually and otherwise). But two, and most importantly, we wanted to give People Heroes a chance to be certified on isolved. More than 145,000 employers use isolved and this becomes a coveted certification to have. It not only shows employers their HR, benefits and payroll professionals know their HCM software inside and out (to maximize the investment and output), but it also shows future employers that this professional knows isolved and can come in and make a difference. Third, we wanted to provide career tracks. How can People Heroes Grow? Take a career track within People Heroes University. Finally, we wanted to extend the courses offered in the more traditional learning management system (LMS) arena.
People Heroes World is for People Heroes. It’s where they can learn from each other and educational courses. And learning they are. Lisa Corrigan, HR at Mountainview Nursing Home, recently told us, “I take advantage of the learning opportunities every day and truly know isolved is a partner in our growth, whatever stage we’re in.”
That is isolved’s commitment. To free HR, benefits and payroll professionals so they can exceed their goals, transform employee experience and grow their careers. The right combination of isolved software and services, along with People Heroes World, can deliver that for a better today and a better tomorrow.
Our hope is that we see you in the community and in your community, and that we’re a partner in your growth. You’re not alone on this journey. Let’s build your future, your roadmap, your community, your company and your career together.
isolved, it’s Where People Heroes Grow™.
And isolved is growing too. One clear, undeniable proof of the power isolved has to deliver the right software at the right time, is (we believe) the recognition we just received from one of the most well-respected analyst firms in the world. Forrester™ has named isolved a Strong Performer in “The Forrester Wave™: Human Capital Management, Q2 2023.” It’s 100 percent worth a read to understand the HCM market and how isolved can help you deliver today and tomorrow.
This milestone is a good reminder of isolved’s Customer Roadshow in Dubuque, Iowa this month. One of our most well-attended roadshows, we went around the room asking how long people have used isolved. The average tenure was about 10 years with one person saying, “since the beginning”. She definitely won the gift card! But this community is a story of growth. They are not only a highly, highly informed group of customers about isolved software and services but they’ve also had input into our investments too. They’ve expanded their use of isolved and have continued to take their “next-best step” for their companies and careers like Dubuque’s Crescent Community Health Center. And, guess what? The city is only 35 minutes from the actual “Field of Dreams” movie site.
We built our intelligently connected HCM platform with you in mind, and the recognition came. More importantly, you’ve helped built it too.
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