Training Industry Information
Tuesday August 4th, 2020
Estimated time to read: 30 seconds
As experts in the HCM industry, we’re working to provide information to businesses and employers to help them stay aware of the ever-changing complexities in our current situation. Below you’ll find some of the latest pieces we’ve produced – each is a quick read that may provide new insights and benefits for your organization.
The COVID-19 situation has brought new challenges to businesses across all industries. As companies prepare to bring employees back to work safely, they face new regulations and requirements that they must comply with to protect their workforce. Learn more about some of the regulations and requirements, including contact tracing, configuring the workplace for safety, and rolling out new training programs to ensure all employees stay informed.
Training Industry: How the right learning management system can help organizations administer new safety and compliance regulations (3 minute read)
Need to fill open positions? The hiring and onboarding processes have changed dramatically during the pandemic. Protect your company while bringing on top candidates by utilizing the tools outlined as you create or refine your hiring and onboarding process.
Training Mag: How to ensure your hiring and onboarding strategy is pandemic-proof in the new normal (3 minute read)
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