Creating the Perfect Job Posting
Tuesday August 29th, 2017
Estimated time to read: 1 minute, 30 seconds
When your company has an open position, the recruiting and hiring team has to act quickly to get the job posted to start getting applicants. Many recruiters end up using job templates that they’ve used for years, simply because it’s the quickest and simplest way to get the posting online. But before you hit “post,” take a few minutes to read through the job description. Is it exciting? Does it describe anything other than a list of duties and qualifications? Does your posting touch on company culture or growth expectations?
If you’re not excited, potential applicants won’t be either. When employment opportunities are plentiful and unemployment rates are low, job seekers have a number of options available to them. They may not take the time to apply for a job that doesn’t sound very appealing or exciting.
Make the First Paragraph Count
The first step in creating the perfect job posting is focusing on the first paragraph. Many applicants will only read this section, and if it doesn’t sound appealing, they’ll move on to the next job on the list. Solidify interest in the first few sentences by including pertinent info about the job and company.
Minimize the Legal Jargon
There are some legal requirements in job postings, but many hiring managers get caught in the weeds and end up throwing a post on a job board that is harder to decipher than a legal contract. You can trim some of the legal jargon without putting your company’s compliance in jeopardy. Keep the duties and responsibilities to a minimum on the actual posting, and then focus on the specifics in a separate link to a job description.
Sell the Perks
If your company offers amazing health benefits or an unlimited PTO policy, now is the time to sell these perks to potential applicants. Applicants in the younger generations are often looking for specific perks, like flexible scheduling, training to progress, opportunities to grow and advance, and a good work-life balance.
If you’re drawing a blank on what the perks are at your company, it may be time to reconsider what you’re offering to employees. In an atmosphere where turnover is high and there are plenty of jobs available, your current employees could end up jumping ship in search of a place that offers them more. It’s even harder to sell your company to a potential applicant if you’re struggling to think of reasons why they’d want to work there.
Follow these tips and create more appealing job postings that will draw more applicants who are often more qualified and better fits for the positions.
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