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isolved People Heroes Helper Program 2025
People Heroes Helper Program is a scholarship created with the purpose of isolved being an advocate for customer advocates in their career and company growth. The scholarships can be used for event attendance (industry events), certification programs, training, or for workplace items or celebrations.
Eligible scholarship recipients must have an isolved account in good standing and must be eligible to receive scholarships at their place of employment. It will be up to the recipient to determine local and employer rules on accepting a scholarship.
All applications must be received by the last week of the qualifying quarter within 2025.
By submitting this an application to be considered for this scholarship, you are consenting to the Terms and Conditions herein. Submission of an application does not guarantee granting of any award, nor require acceptance of any award. Award offers must be accepted in writing with signature on the provided offer letter within 7 days of notice of granting. Award offers that are not accepted within 7 days will be considered declined and withdrawn, and said award shall be subject to redraw.
Submissions are limited to 1 per Applicant per cycle year. While Applicants may select the Option for more than one Award, only 1 award per Applicant may be accepted.
You may apply to any of the following possible awards per application:
- Option 1: Scholarship to attend an isolved Conference. (Customer Connect, HR Tech, or SHRM) with event ticket costs and hotel covered (up to $1,500 USD total). One or two winners will be announced.
- Option 2: Scholarship for a certification or training classes of your choice (up to $1,500 USD total). One or two winners will be announced.
- Option 3: Monetary Donation (up to $1,500 USD total). One or two winners will be announced.
All Options are subject to availability at the time of drawing and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions as provided at the time of offer.
Drawings will be performed on the last week for each cycle. Cycles begin on the first week of each quarter within the year of 2025. isolved maintains the right to discontinue additional cycles at any time for any reason including lack of funding or inconvenience. Terms and Conditions of submissions are subject to change at the discretion of isolved prior to entry cycle opening. The Terms and Conditions for each award, as provided below, are subject to change at the discretion of isolved at any time prior to acceptance.
All Applicants must consent to Media Release in order to be eligible for the Drawing. isolved may use the Applicants information or likeness for marketing and promotional purposes.
The following Terms and Conditions govern the acceptance for scholarships received, which are subject to change:
- Option 1: Scholarship to attend an isolved Conference. (Customer Connect, HR Tech, or SHRM) with event ticket costs and hotel covered (up to $1,500 USD total). One or two winners will be announced.
- Option 2: Scholarship for a certification or training classes of your choice (up to $1,500 USD total). One or two winners will be announced.
- Option 3: Monetary Donation (up to $1,500 USD total). One or two winners will be announced.